Thursday, December 31, 2009

Project 365 - A Picture a Day

I started 2009 with Project 365 and I'm so glad I took on the challenge. Did I miss days?  Yes.  But I think overall I missed less than 20 days. I used a binder designed for this project that t includes slots to print – yes, actually print out the pictures so you can look at them without a computer – a 4 x 6 photo each day and a slot to write a quick note about what happened that day.

I am behind on the printing (photos are waiting in a folder) and I have lots and lots of empty slots where the journaling cards should be completed. I love looking back at the pages that are complete – such a wonderful summary of our lives during those weeks. I plan to have more completed journaling cards in 2010.

This project was especially important to me this year because I scrapbook and I knew that the addition of the boys in our lives would put a hold on that hobby for a little while. This project made me more conscious of the pictures I take. I take lots of pictures of Juliana and the boys – no surprise. I also made an effort to be in more pictures this year instead of always being behind the camera. And I took lots of pictures of the little things that happen in our lives. Food – pictures of the French toast Scott made for me for dinner when I was pregnant and nothing else sounded good to eat and the first meals made when our kitchen was “almost done”. And that watermelon - I really wish I could eat that today.

The kitchen remodel before, during and after.

Getting ready for the boys and their arrival.

Sports championships

An impromptu picnic in the front yard.

Snow angels at the beginning and the end of the year.

Capturing our lives throughout the year – good times and not so good, events and every day life – recording our family history.  Today's picture - Juliana, Ruslan and Wyatt watching Handy Manny on my mom's iphone.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More Adventures in Backwards Crawling

Not only is Ruslan still having fun with crawling backwards, he is getting really fast.  Once he gets the hang of moving forward, he is going to be getting into everything.  While I am sitting there playing with them, Ruslan hangs out and plays with the toys.  As soon as I leave the room he is on the move.  He crawled his way under the stroller and then along the back wheel until he was stuck against the wall - but he was smiling and incredibly pleased with himself at his accomplishment.  I pulled him out, turned around for a minute and heard him crying.  He was back under the couch, only the top of his head was sticking out this time and he was really mad that he was stuck (so no pictures that time).

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Toy Fight

Ruslan and Wyatt both really like this new certainly won't be the last time they fight over a toy.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We have had a great Christmas Holiday, I hope that your family did as well!  Here's Juliana, Ruslan and Wyatt in their Christmas pjs this morning.

And here are the pictures we included on our Christmas card this year.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

8 Months with Puppies

I'm not sure where the time goes, but these little boys keep growing and are 8 months old today!

"Hey - What is Big Sister doing?

The is the classic Wyatt expression when he is wearing a hood - he hates them.  Ruslan wasn't thrilled about the idea either and in general there is a very short window for Ruslan to cooperate with picture taking.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ruslan Crawling

Ruslan is getting really good at crawling...unfortunately he only crawls backward.  He crawls as far as he can until he gets stuck somewhere, like here when he crawled under the couch.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bundled Up

Since we walk to daycare, the boys are bundled in their stroller when it is cold.  Here is what they look like for our short walk.

And under the blanket they are wearing their puffer coats.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Two Quick Pictures

I will get back to somewhat regular posting again soon...two quick pictures from today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7 Months with Puppies

We took the pictures late this month.  After a full week of Juliana being sick followed by a week of me being very sick, we are happy that the boys are healthy.  They also got the H1N1 vaccine so they should stay clear of the ick that went through the rest of the family.

During the photo shoot this month, Ruslan was captivated by the ceiling fan and directed his attention there instead of the camera.  Except when he was busy getting his toes, throwing the dog and diving forward....we are lucky that we have any picture at all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Morning Rush

**Note: I wrote this post 3 weeks ago. The week before the time change provided us with a week of extra early mornings. This new level of exhaustion prevented me from getting a picture of the boys in the stroller in the morning until a few days ago.**

On those HGTV shows when people are looking for a new house, they often point out a nice patio or deck off the master bedroom and make the following comment – “That would be such a nice place to sit and enjoy our morning coffee and read the paper.” Really? Are there people waking up extra early in the morning to allow time for this? And are they reading by lantern, because it is still dark when I get up.

Mornings at our house definitely don’t allow such a calming start to the day. Although I set my alarm clock each night, it rarely has the opportunity to wake me in the morning. My day starts earlier than I want when I am jolted awake by 1 or more little people demanding attention.

Depending on the time, I may feed the baby who is awake and get them to go back to sleep, or at least chill in a bouncy seat, so I can hop in the shower before anyone else wakes up. Then the other baby needs to eat, all 3 children need to be dressed and Juliana have breakfast – she doesn’t like to eat right after she wakes up, so breakfast is a struggle. Juliana – brush hair and teeth. We pick out Juliana’s clothes at night and if she wakes up in a good mood, she will get herself dressed. If she is tired or otherwise uncooperative, she decides to debate the clothing choice she made and insist that I get her dressed.

Bottles, breakfast, and extra clothes and bibs for the boys are packed in their bag. Miscellaneous forms/ permissions slips collected. Shoes, jacket, backpack for Juliana. At this point hopefully neither baby has spit-up all over their clothes or filled their diaper requiring a return to the changing table. Jackets and hats on boys, put them in the stroller, cover them with blanket(s) depending on the temperature. Push the stroller around the block, get the boys settled in their room, stuff put away for the day, take Juliana to her room and hope there isn’t any goodbye drama that morning. Walk home and sit down at my computer to work.

All of this before 8:00 am.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Morning Baby

Ruslan is exceedingly happy when he wakes in the morning. I am awakened each morning by the sounds of him screeching, babbling, cooing and blowing bubbles. Although I prefer this to being jolted awake by crying, I wish it weren't so early. He would happily play in his crib if I left him there, but I don't because the happy sounds get loud and wake the other sleeping children. Wyatt and Juliana do not wake up in such a happy playful mood - they are both much more demanding first thing in the morning.

So most mornings I come downstairs with Ruslan and we have some quality time while the rest of the house is quiet, and I am allowed to slowly wake-up. His happiness is contagious especially since his babbling sounds a lot like ma-ma-ma-ma; even a very sleepy Mommy can't help but smile around this happy baby.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween 2009

Juliana went through many costume options during the week.  She went to a Halloween party as Snow White.  Most days she came home from school and was Tinkerbell for the rest of the evening.  For the preschool party on Friday, she wore her Jasmine costume from last Halloween which fit perfectly this year.   She ended up wearing the outfit we purchased for Halloween to trick-or-treat.  It was a blue dress with fiber optic lights in the skirt (very cool at night) - she picked it out in the store and deemed it a Cinderella dress and wouldn't consider anything else.

I purchased the costumes for the boys last year on clearance when I knew we were having twins but didn't know boys/girls.  I couldn't pass up $2 costumes and they ended up working out great for the chilly evening.  Ruslan thought the costume was fun for a little while, I think that the bow tie and beak kept him entertained.  Wyatt was not thrilled about the whole thing and Juliana dubbed him "the angry chicken".  He didn't cry, he just wasn't happy.

We all walked on our street so the neighbors could see the boys - someone gave them peanut butter cups - Ruslan was very interested in his, Wyatt was checked out and ready for bed at this point.  I took the boys home and Juliana teamed up with the little girl next door and they set off with their Daddies for the next block.