The Baby formerly known as Twin A was born first at 2:25 pm
Ruslan James Connelly
Weight: 7 lb 7 oz
Length: 19.5"
Ruslan is the name of a player for the Penguins. We liked the name which means lion in Russian. James is for Jen's dad.

The Baby formerly known as Twin B was born at 2:26 pm
Wyatt William Ward Connelly
Weight: 6 lb 8 oz
Length: 19.75"
Wyatt was another name that we liked right away, both names have been set for many months. It means brave, strong warrior. William is for Scott's Dad and Grandfather.
Everyone was surprised by how big they were. We were expecting 7 lb babies based on the last ultrasound so we were not surprised. With most twin deliveries they have a Dr from the NICU present in case there are complications at delivery. Within minutes of the delivery, the Dr. pronounced them healthy, told us he wasn't needed anymore and left. The 2 pediatric nurses left the OR a few minutes later since the babies did not need any special attention.
Scott was able to hold them both in the OR as the Drs finished working on me. Then he went to call Juliana and tell her that her brothers had been born and she was the first person to learn their names. Then Scott and our parents waited in the recovery room for me and the babies to be moved there. Everyone was able to hold the babies for a little while and eventually we were moved to our room to settle in for our first night. The babies spent the night in the nursery and got their first bath so I could have some recovery time and a little rest amidst the continual checks from Drs and nurses of course.

Congratulations! They are beautiful, as are their names.
I officially bow to your greatness. Carrying nearly 14 pounds of babies should get you some sort of automatic ticket to the front of every line for the rest of your life. You definitely get to cut in front of me for now on.
Congratulations! I love the names.
Three cheers for you! No, wait, six cheers for you! Or should it be squared? Oh, what the heck, nine cheers for you!!!
I love the names and the name meanings!! Many congratulations!
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