Where does the time go? I can't believe that they are 6 weeks old already and my maternity leave is halfway over.
It is much easier to tell the boys apart in pictures now, because Ruslan is always wearing a bib. He has reflux and spits up huge amounts of his food - we are doing lots of laundry. After having a child who never spit up, this is quite an adjustment. We go through a stack of burp clothes and bibs every day and do our best to keep our own clothes and the furniture spit-up free. He is on medication when has made him much less fussy, unfortunately the medication doesn't stop the spit-up.
After 5 weeks of nursing both of them, we made a change. Wyatt wasn't nursing as well as he needed to get enough food and we were already supplementing, so we made the change to switch him to all formula. Ruslan is still nursing with the exception of one night time bottle.
They are still eating twice during the night, hopefully this will be ending in the next few weeks. Scott is generally up working at night so he handles the 2:00 am bottle and then I feed them closer to morning. That gives me a few hours of sleep in one block so I can make it through the days. And when they wake up at night, most of the time, they eat and go back to sleep quickly so the process doesn't take as long as it did in those first few weeks.
Ruslan is still at least a pound heavier than Wyatt and close to outgrowing 0-3 month clothes. He has rolls on his legs and a growing belly. Wyatt no longer has chicken legs, but hasn't quite caught up.
Ruslan is very grumbly all of the time - the sounds most babies make when they are filling their diapers - Ruslan makes noises like that all day - grunts and grumbles...and now Wyatt is joining in on the habit - I fear that their twin speak will be more of a cave man language.
Both of them have flashed us a few smiles...laughter can't be far behind :) They are both fascinated with the birdies that fly around them in the swing.
In the pictures of the two of them in their overalls - Ruslan is on the right-side. They did not enjoy being next to each other, especially when their arms became intertwined.