Sunday, February 28, 2010

Toy Fight

Sharing is a difficult concept at this age.  They see a toy they want and take it.  Usually whatever toy Wyatt has, Ruslan wants it and vice versa.  Since Wyatt started crawling, apparently he has been busy using his new skill to take toys away from the other babies.

On this occasion, Wyatt was playing with a new toy and Ruslan wanted it.  After taking the toy and then Wyatt taking it back, Ruslan resorted to pulling on Wyatt's ear and then knocking him over in the process.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cookies...Sort of

We start each meal with some sort of finger food - rice cakes and puffs have been the standard for several weeks.  Recently we added "biter bars" which are bascially hard cookies.  They both like them and have a different approach for eating them.

Ruslan takes little nibbles while Wyatt coats the cookie in drool until it dissolves...very messy.  Wyatt really loves these, Ruslan would just as well eat a rice cake.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

10 Months Old

Month 10 was a busy one for Ruslan and Wyatt - so much changing and growing!  The biggest development - crawling,  After 2 months of only crawling backwards, Ruslan started forward motion about a week ago.  And being perfectly happy to sit and play with toys and occasionally pull himself toward a toy, Wyatt suddenly started crawling 2 days later.  Wyatt tends to sit back and watch Ruslan figure out how to do something and then he is ready to go a few days later.

During this past month:
  • Ruslan went on his second round of antibiotics for his left ear and Wyatt got his first ear infection also in his left ear.
  • They are sleeping well enough and mostly staying in one place in their cribs, so we started covering them up with a blanket.
  • They each got 3 new teeth and have a total of 6 each - 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.  Ruslan's came in one a week over the past 3 weeks; Wyatt's all cut through on one day.  And Wyatt - he likes to bite.
  • We stopped the mid-morning bottle so now they are down to wake-up, mid-afternoon and bedtime bottles.
  • They had their first night away from home - we stayed with Scott's parents one night while our power was out.
  • We survived (barely) 4 straight days of daycare being closed for snow while I had to work and take care of them as well.
  • They tried new finger foods with mixed results.
  • I packed up the 9-month clothes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

10 Months with Puppies

Let's sub-title the pictures for this month: When the boys learned they can escape and there are way more exciting things to do than look at the camera.

Wyatt had some very brief cooperative moments when he was alone in the chair.

This is his "stop making me sit back in the chair, I want to dive head-first on to the floor" expression.

He decided to lick the stuffed animal and was not thrilled with the taste.  However that didn't stop him from trying again.

Ruslan had no interest in looking at me or smiling. 

The ceiling fan, even turned off, is way more exciting than mommy and the camera.

This is my favorite one.  I am singing and he is dancing back and forth - I love his head tip and straight smile when he "dances".

The two of them together.

Wyatt spent most of the time trying to escape from the chair.

Eventually Ruslan got tired of chasing after him.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wyatt's Latest Trick

It's been about a week now and I still laugh every time he does it - Wyatt claps!  He is so pleased with this new skill.  There is one song that the farm plays that will always start the clapping.  He will often start to clap when he is excited to see someone walk in the room - and who doesn't like to be greeted with applause and a big smile.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let's Play

The boys are spending more time playing - alone with their toys, together with each other and they love when big sister decides to entertain them for a few minutes - their loudest laughs are heard when Juliana is playing with them.  They have also reached the age where playing peak-a-boo is hysterical fun.  If I hide behind the table while they are eating and pop-up, this is what I see.

If they are playing in the living room and I peak-out from the hallway, they are watching - ready to smile and giggle.  So much fun.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weathering The Storm

Life goes on for the boys in this snow filled day.  Ruslan has a new favorite face that I half caught in this picture - the super cute fish face - and sometimes that fish face ends with a kiss :)

Wyatt has joined the backwards crawling fun, but he prefers to be standing if possible.

And a few pictures of the snow...