- Going through ~9 diapers a day each (~125 total diapers each week)
- Eating 8 times a day
- Ruslan's reflux continues to improve as long as I avoid dairy.
- Still not sleeping through the night...but I keep hoping. Wyatt went 7 hours once weeks ago and then back to every 4 hours; Ruslan hasn't made it more than 5 hours yet.
- Starting to take better daytime naps, although one prefers to nap while the other one is awake.
- Spending lots of time on the floor stretching out, staring at toys, kicking and having tummy time.
- Listening to mommy read books and sing - Ruslan loves Old MacDonald and smiles, giggles and trys to sing along; Wyatt stares at me and his eyes get bigger and bigger the whole time.
- Wyatt still startles quite a bit, even if you do the same thing 3 times in a row - he startles each time.
- Ruslan is much quicker to smile and is really happy if you stick out your tongue when he does.
- Wyatt stares up at me when I am in his sight and is really excited when I look his direction and smile.
- Ruslan is wearing 3-6 month clothes (and some brands are getting tight); Wyatt is still comfortable in 0-3 month.
- Mostly happy babies, smiley and more giggles each day - they are growing up so fast.

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