Tear Ducts - Ruslan was born with the tear ducts on both eyes clogged. His eyes were glued shut when he would wake-up and we were constantly wiping both eyes so he could open them and see easily. The 2nd week of June we noticed that his right eye was suddenly better and this week the left eye cleared up! Now the skin around his eyes won't be red and irritated and everyone will stop rubbing his eyes.
Reflux - removing dairy from my diet has made a huge difference in the quantity of spit-up after Ruslan easts. He is still taking zantac 3 times/day and after a dosage increase last month, he is much less fussy after eating.
I was taking pictures of the boys together (a regular occurance) and caught Wyatt in the act of rolling over for the second time.

I can roll over lots of times.
Aw! It sounds like they are doing so well :)
I also just realized that Ruslan weighs more than Alex did at 2 months! And Alex was 9.12...go Ruslan, GO!
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