Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boys with their Puppies - 1 Month Old

These pictures are from Wednesday, May 20 - 1 Month old. Wyatt has the blank/tan puppy. Ruslan was having a fussy afternoon so we didn't have much luck with the picture of the two of them until I gave him his binky.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Month Old

The boys had their one-month check-up bright and early this morning - getting all of us dressed, ready and out the door by 8:15 was a challenge. That early morning time period is usually a good sleep time for me and the boys - so I missed out on some valuable sleep.

Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz (25%)
Height: 21" (45%)

Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz (5%)
Height: 20-3/4" (25%)

Although Wyatt is 1.5 lbs less than Ruslan he is gaining weight steadily - 11 oz in the last 10 days.

Some pictures from the past week. My brother came to visit so the boys got to meet their Uncle Nick.

Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Weeks - Status

Ruslan and Wyatt are 3 weeks old today. Pictures from yesterday, Wyatt is on the darker blue blanket. Update of what's happening here.

1 - I have mangaed to take a shower before noon almost every day since we have been home from the hospital.

2 - I left the boys for the first time last Friday to attend the Penguins playoff game - they were safe at home with Nonni, G, and Great-Grandma Julie and didn't seem to miss us.

3 - We have been going to the Drs office for weight checks every 4-5 days. Last week after gaining 7 oz in just 5 days (they like to see 1/2 - 1 oz of weight gain each day at this stage), Ruslan passed his birthweight with 7 lbs 9 oz and didn't have to go back. Wyatt had his last weight check today and weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz - a 6 oz weight gain in 5 days. Of course we still go back to the Drs next week - 1 month check-up is coming up already.

4 - They are sleeping better at night - slightly longer stretches and falling back asleep more easily. Gives me hope for less sleep deprivation in the coming weeks.

5 - Ruslan is very noisy - grumbles a lot - when he is falling asleep and waking up; and makes lots of noise while he is sleeping, including snoring.

6 - Wyatt does not wake up calmly, he goes from sound asleep to screaming to eat in seconds.

7 - Both boys will take a bottle which allows me to get a 3-4 hour stretch of sleep while Daddy gives them a bottle of formula after I have gone to bed.

8 - They are very portable at the moment, they both fall asleep as soon as the van starts moving, and since their car seats snap into the double-stroller we can move them to the stroller and keep going. Ruslan generally sleeps from the time we leave the house until we return. Wyatt occasionally wakes up to see what is happening - he is afraid that he is missing something.

9 - Even when they are crying to eat in the middle of the night, I am amazed at the overwhelming love I already have for them.

10 - My mom was here from 7:30 am - 10:00 pm every day for the last 2+ weeks - since we came home from the hospital. This week she will still be coming over before work to get Juliana breakfast and dressed and take her to school. It is such a blessing to have to near and have her support during this time.

11 - Wyatt is happy to be carried around in the sling, while Ruslan has taken to the Snugli. Juliana wouldn't put up with any carrier so it is a pleasant change.

12 - My Grandma Julie came to town for a few days to meet Great-Grandchildren numbers 6 and 7.

13 - Family of 5 adjusting well and learning more about our new additions each day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Past 2 Weeks at Home

The days go by so quickly between feedings, diaper changes and short naps when I try to take care of the other household activites. And that is with my mom here from 7:45 am to 10:00 pm every day...she goes back to work next week.
Here's what the boys have been up to the past 2 weeks:
1 - napping in bouncey seats, the glider and occasionally in their crib
2 - being held a lot
3 - eating every 2-3 hours
4 - taking baths
5 - going to the Drs for weight checks every few days (Ruslan reached and past his birthweight at yesterday's weight check; Wyatt has another weight check scheduled for next week since he is gaining more slowly)
6 - tummy time
7 - listening to big sister sing to them
8 - listening to mommy read book and sing to them

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Boys with their Puppies - 6 Days Old

Some of you know that we have a teddy bear that we took Juliana's picture with each month on the 21st of the month for her first year. Since that time we still take one every 6 months. We used it to track how much she changed each month in that year of rapid change.

I selected puppy stuffed animals for the boy's monthly pictures. They are the same size, just different colors. Wyatt's puppy is black and tan while Ruslan's is tan and white.

These pictures were taken at 6 days old. Future pictures will be taken on the 20th of each month. Also below is Juliana's teddy picture from 5 days old.