Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2-Month Check-up

2-month check-up today, the first of the immunization visits. The rotovirus vaccine is new to us (it was introduced after Juliana passed that phase) - it is an oral vaccine in a tube. Wyatt was up first and the nurse slowly squeezed it into his mouth. When it was Ruslan turn, she put in his mouth and within seconds it was gone - the boy loves anything that might be food.

Wyatt had his 3 shots first and screamed through Ruslan's shots, getting packed in the car seat, carried out of the office and to the van and then calmed down when he was forced to slumber by the moving vehicle. Ruslan screamed as well but calmed down more quickly. When we got home they got their first dose of Tylenol - they both ate and Ruslan went to sleep, Wyatt was very fussy. So I decided to pick-up Juliana and go for a drive to calm him down and give the meds time to work. After a trip through the McDonald's drive-through, all of the children were calm.

Ruslan's fussy time kicked in later in the evening when I was trying to give Juliana a bath and get her to bed.

The rest of the appointment went well. Ruslan's reflux medication dosage was increased to match his weight change. The medication is helping him be less fussy after eating. I cut dairy products out of my diet 2 weeks ago and it is making a huge difference in the quantity of his spit-up. I really miss cheese...

Weight: 12 lbs. 6 oz - 70th percentile (gain of 3.5 lbs in 5 weeks - 25th to 70th percentile change)
Height: 22-1/2" - 45th percentile

Weight: 10 lbs. 14 oz - 25th percentile (gain of 3 lbs - 5th to 25th percentile change)
Height: 22-3/4" - 50th percentile

1 comment:

John Carman said...

Scott usually takes me to Burger King to calm me down.