Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Little Men

Clothes for baby girls are the cutest...I still find myself looking at the new baby girl clothes when I am shopping for the boys. Basic baby clothes are primarily the same - same soft fabrics, t-shirts with or without snaps, sweat pants, one piece sleep-n-plays, etc. The difference is the patterns and colors and occasionally some extra darts in the clothes designed for girls.

But beyond the basics, there is a big difference. Baby girl clothes have their own styles - ruffles and other cuteness unique to the little outfits - how often do you see a size 6-month outfit that looks the same as something from the women's department? On the other hand, baby boy clothes are often miniature versions of men's clothing - polo shirts, button downs, cargo shorts... That's what I was thinking today when I dressed the boys and took their pictures and then Scott came home wearing a very similar outfit...


pghrugbyangel said...

Please tell me what you'd like to see for baby boys clothing!! I now have a niece and have stopped considering what I'd make if the baby was a boy. But I'm willing - and happy - to be inspired to come up with things for boys that are truly unique. And the pattern books at Joann's are truly dull!!

Anonymous said...

At Target you can get the EXACT SAME clothes in baby and big guy sizes. Peanut's dad wears Cherokee polo shirts from Target to work every day and I found a few for Peanut, too! I'm still frustrated that the little girl's section is 3 times the size of the little boy's section, tho!