Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 Months

4 months old - hard to believe that they are that old, yet difficult to remember what it was like before they arrived (although I think that I had a little bit more spare time, more sleep, and a lot less laundry). This first picture - they are both watching Juliana run toward them...there is a bit of fear in Ruslan's eyes as he knows she is about to bounce down on the ground just a little too close to them.
Last night was their 4-month check-up.
Ruslan - Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz - 50th% (2-mo was 12-6 70th%)
Height: 24-1/4" - 25th% (2-mo was 22-1/2 45%)

Wyatt - Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz - 25th% (2-mo was 10-14 25%)
Height: 25-1/4 - 65th% (2-mo was 22-3/4 50%)

At 4 months Juliana was the same height as Wyatt, but weighed a full pound less.

The boys are starting to interact more with each other - they are getting interested in each other - Ruslan will spot Wyatt and just smile at him in the hopes Wyatt will look his way. They are also able to pick-up toys and get them close to their mouth - the best place for anything at this age. And best of all they can both get a hand, some fingers or sometimes even a thumb in their mouth which makes them quite happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi cuties! It was SO nice to meet you this past weekend!

It was nice to see you again, too, Jennifer!