Saturday, March 6, 2010


Once the boys figured out the forward motion of crawling, they started getting around really fast.  They see something that they want on the other side of the room and race off to get it. They crawl over objects and each other to reach their destination.  Whenever I want Wyatt to crawl to me, I put the remote on the floor and he rushes to my side - he loves the remote and is always looking for a way to reach it.

I took this video in our kitchen Tuesday evening - the boys had just eaten dinner and were having some playtime before bed.  Enjoy the fish kisses from Ruslan.

Baby Gates are now in place at both entrances to the main living area - separating them from the kitchen, front hallway and both sets of stairs.  Both of these gates are flush with the floor, while the ones we used for Juliana had a gap at the bottom that the cats could squeeze under.  The cats are not happy about the latest change.  The baby gate at the top of the stairs is still in place from Juliana's toddler days, so we are in good shape with gates now.

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