Friday, May 21, 2010

Sunny Days Make Me Smile

No matter what else is going on - a warm, sunny day makes everything a little brighter.  Cold, dark and rainy days only motivate me to want to crawl back into bad.  I may not want to work when the sun is shining, but at least I am a little bit happier in the process.  My mood is better and the daily stress of life doesn't bother me quite as much.

The best thing about nice days - we get to have some outside time in the evening after childcare pick-up.

Yesterday we arrived home and set the boys down in the front yard to play.  Out came the various outside balls for them to throw and chase.

Wyatt found a stick and promptly tasted it.

They watched people and cars and turned toward all noises to see what was happening.

Wyatt is just as active outside as he is in the house.  He crawls all over the yard and chases the balls.  He can pick the giant ball up over his head and give it a two handed throw forward.

Ruslan doesn't like to crawl around the yard.  He used the giant ball to stand and then held it for a while.  This series of photos makes me smile.

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